legal adj. 1.法律(上)的。 2.法定的,合法的,正当的。 3.【宗教】按照摩西律法的。 one's legal status 合法地位。 the legal profession 律师业。 a legal adviser 法律顾问。 a legal fare 法定运费。 n. 1.法定权利。 2.依法必须登报的声明。 3.〔pl.〕 储蓄银行[信托公司]可以用来投资的证券。
instrument n. 1.仪表,仪器 〔cf. tool, implement〕。 2.乐器 (=musical instrument)。 3.【法律】证件,证券,文件。 4.手段,工具。 airborne instruments 航空仪表。 all-purpose instruments 万能仪表。 end instruments 敏感元件。 nautical instruments 航海仪器。 optical instrument光学仪器。 precision instruments 精密仪器。 surgical instruments 外科器械。 stringed instruments 弦乐器。 wind instruments 管乐器。 an instrument of credit 商业证券。 negotiable instrument 流通票据,可转让证券。 the instrument of ratification 批准书。 instruments of production 生产工具。 act as sb.'s instrument 做某人傀儡。 be the instrument of sb.'s death (误)致某人死亡。 vt. 1.用仪器装备。 2.给乐器编(曲),为管弦乐队编(曲)。 3.向…提交法律文件。
Currently , he says , no legal instrument exists which can force governments to do this 他说,目前还没有一部法律文件能够强制要求各国政府这样做。
Article 36 the land certificate shall be the legal instrument for the foreign - capital enterprise to use land 第三十六条土地证书为外资企业使用土地的法律凭证。
The first international legal instrument on the subject was the council of europe ' s convention on cybercrime 第一部这个课题的法律是欧盟议会的电子犯罪法律,它要求各成员国制定反对电子犯罪的适当法律。
The normal legal instruments for sea closure for occasions like fireworks display may not be appropriate for the present purposes 在其它情况如?花?演中用以封闭海路的一般法律工具,未必适用于今次的情况。
It cieariy regulated in compilation ofthe legal instruments on china ' s accession to the world trade organizationthat china should unlock newspaper publishers is undoubtedly a severechallenge to our present newspaper publishing business 随着国外发行公司的进入,我国的报纸发行业也会受到冲击。对此,我们应有充分的认识,并作出应对之策。
The notaries deeds shown by the notary agency , consisting of three effects of important formal documents such as testimony , compulsory enforcement and legal acts , are the general international legal instruments and criteria for the judicial authority determines facts 在这种情况下,就会影响人们对公证行业和公证制度的评价和信任,进而影响到人们对国家法治的评价和信任。
Over a period of years , the international community has , for the purpose of promoting the peaceful uses of outer space and preventing an arms race there , drawn up a series of multilateral or bilateral legal instruments regulating state parties ' space activities 多年以来,国际社会出于和平利用外空、防止外空军备竞赛的目的,已经缔结了一些规范各国在空间活动的多边或双边国际法律文书。
The international community should negotiate and conclude the necessary legal instrument as soon as possible to prohibit the deployment of weapons in outer space and the use or threat of use of force against objects in outer space , so as to ensure peace and tranquility therein 国际社会应尽早谈判缔结必要的法律文书,禁止在外空部署武器和对空间物体使用或威胁使用武力,确保外空的和平与安宁。
China believes that the most direct and effective way to achieve this purpose in the new century is to negotiate and bring into being a new international legal instrument , in addition to continued strict compliance with the existing ones 中国认为,在新的世纪防止外空武器化、防止外空军备竞赛,最为直接、有效的办法是在严格遵守现有适用于外空的双边和多边协定的基础上,谈判缔结新的国际法律文书。
Legal instrument is a legal term of art that is used for any formally executed written document that can be formally attributed to its author,"Law Glossary", The K-Zone, s.v.